What I believe A 21st Century Literacy is

What I believe  A 21st Century Literacy is

       My name is Brittany Nyenhuis, I am currently a teacher candidate working towards my teaching degree in Ontario. This blog is a personal reflection towards what I view 21st Century Literacy skills are, what they are defined as, how they work into today's classroom, and how they can be assessed.           
       I believe 21st  century literacies are important to be implemented in the classroom in order to have students be prepared to interact and analyze the content that is presented to them. These literacies are meant to improve character of the students. They are designed to help students improve their critical abilities to analyze the wide assortment of information that they are being bombarded with every single day. Each of these literacies are applicable to different subject areas due to their multiple applications. Each literacy is a result of a societal change that has occurred in society over the last century. These literacies are made to aid in students in becoming better members of society both in how they interact and impact the world around them.

      Technology has made the world a lot larger than before. Today, it takes hours to get to the other side of world versus the weeks, if not months, that it took before. Students can stream live, interactive video chats with other students who are in another country. Through the process of globalization, students are exposed to different cultures and customs than ever before. Due to this process, students need to be aware of how to interact with all these different cultures. This is why literacies such as global literacy, multicultural literacy, and critical literacy are important.

      The increase in media also raises the need for having students be critical of what they are viewing. Student are constantly bombarded with advertisements where ever they look. With the aid of 21st century literacy skills, it equips them with the analytical and reflective skills that are needed to view these ads.  This need is corresponds to literacies such as, critical, media, moral, technological, and global.

      The need to be a positive and contributing member in society is another need of society. Through the factory model of education, it created a work force that was dedicated to further economy. In the 21st century, there is a different need for a work force that are morally good citizens. These types of citizens are meant to the aid in the betterment of society and the environment. Moral, character, environmental, financial, global, mental health, and discipline based literacy all work and intertwine together in order to aid students in gaining the skills necessary to be proper citizen in today's society. 


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